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Photograph by Elena Terrone

About Tina Lear

Tina has lived in Switzerland, Los Angeles, Cody, Tuscany, Seattle, New York, and Whidbey Island. Her grandfather was a world-renowned Vaudeville comedian (Ole Olsen of Olsen & Johnson), and her father created the Learjet. Ms. Lear uses this high-octane fuel to power her life, which has led her on the long, fascinating journey to where she is now--sitting at her laptop in a home she shares with her wife of twenty-two years and their beloved little dog, Ruby.


She has taught yoga to inmates at Rikers. She drove cattle in Wyoming. She’s shaken Queen Elizabeth's hand. Buckminster Fuller once picked her up from school. Leads meditation circles. She’s fluent in Italian.


Her energy is currently pouring into her novels and poems (links below). But what brings her the greatest joy is having brought three interesting, truly good people into the world, earning her wife’s respect, and becoming (okay, trying to become) the person her dog thinks she is. She's a Learjet woman with a subway soul, a Buddhist who sleeps in, and a vegan who just cannot let go of the Haagendasz Coffee ice cream bars.​

And then there's Ruby. I mean, come on.

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